Reinkommen und wohlfühlen

Das ist unser Ziel, wenn Sie in der Würschnitztalstr.1 in Klaffenbach  Ihren Verwöhntermin genießen. Auf ca. 70 Quadratmetern, 3 Bedienplätzen und einer Kosmetikkabine schaffen wir eine Atmosphäre der Schönheit und des Wohlbefindens, als Auszeit von der Hektik Ihres Alltags.

Unsere Philosophie lautet: Dienstleistung und Produkt gehören zusammen. Beide gemeinsam garantieren den Behandlungserfolg. Deshalb arbeiten wir ausschließlich mit den exklusiven Produkten von Wella und Sebastian.

Wir möchten, dass unsere Kunden jeden Besuch bei uns als wohltuendes Gesamterlebnis genießen Ästhetik ist die schönste Verpflichtung eines Menschen, und Biosthetiker zu sein die schönste Berufung.

Susanne Rasch

Friseur Meisterin

Hair Stylists are specialists in hair care and hair styles of both genders. They are responsible for enhancing the appearance of their clients by offering hair care services such as haircuts, coloring, conditioning, hair styles, among other treatments. Some of these professionals offer cosmetology services for women.

Wir folgen dem Slogan
„Wir machen nichts Außergewöhnliches, sondern das Gewöhnliche außergewöhnlich gut“.

Mit den hochwertigen Haar-, Haut-, Körperpflege- sowie Make-up-Produkten  und unserem einzigartigen Dienstleistungs- und Verwöhnspektrum zelebrieren wir Total Beauty auf höchstem Qualitätsniveau. Vom erstklassigen Haarschnitt über trendorientiertes, aber trotzdem individuelles Styling, schonendsten Colorationsmethoden, exklusiver Haarpflege bis hin zu Make-up, Hochstecken und Brautstyling reicht unser „Rundum-Sorglos-Paket“ für Haar und Haut.

  • 2003

    Goldy Sanders comes to New York

    For something as fun as makeup, it tends to be at the center of a lot of controversy. Women who choose to wear it are sometimes accused of "lying," while others are viewed as lacking confidence. It's a sad reality, but these kinds of accusations often shame ladies from layering on the foundation and mascara that might make them feel a bit better about themselves in the morning (or that they just straight-up love).

  • 2005

    She opens a small hair salon for little girls naming it Cinderella

    For something as fun as makeup, it tends to be at the center of a lot of controversy. Women who choose to wear it are sometimes accused of "lying," while others are viewed as lacking confidence.

  • 2008

    Cinderella becomes a popular place with reservation list

    For something as fun as makeup, it tends to be at the center of a lot of controversy. Women who choose to wear it are sometimes accused of "lying," while others are viewed as lacking confidence.

  • 2010

    Cinderella extends services range for grown-ups

    For something as fun as makeup, it tends to be at the center of a lot of controversy. Women who choose to wear it are sometimes accused of "lying," while others are viewed as lacking confidence.

  • 2015

    Cinderella wins the Award for "The Best Beauty Salon"

    For something as fun as makeup, it tends to be at the center of a lot of controversy. Women who choose to wear it are sometimes accused of "lying," while others are viewed as lacking confidence.


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